The 5c’s
The application of the 5C’s helps us unearth hidden value, evaluate opportunities, and accurately assess business valuations for our clients.
1. Community
There are no economies of scale without collaboration and community. Community is the container for cültüre, and when people are in the gravitational waves of a community’s cültüre, they are more likely to buy products and services that signal to their community that they’re affiliated, and signal to other communities that they are not.
2. Culture
Global underground culture is being shaped by the convergence of technology, tastes, lifestyles, and economic trends. Culture is the habits and routines of communities that turbocharge ideas to make an impact in the market. As technology advances, the ability to influence the world will come from every corner of the globe. Those who stay ahead of the curve, driving innovation while also keeping an eye on cultural shifts, will be the ones to succeed in the 21st century.
3. Creativity
Creativity is a powerful life force. It’s a form of personal expression and a tool for problem solving that grows even stronger when coupled with velocity, imagination, and constraints. However, to truly make an impact, creativity still needs productive organization and a plug into a vibrant network.
4. Cool
Like Adam Smith’s ‘Invisible Hand' moved things in market economics,’ we recognize that there is another invisible hand that also moves the economy: The Cool Hand of The Market™️. This “hand” is part of the apparatus we now use to power our business strategies and amplify our client's ideas.
5. Commerce
Where there is a community, a culture, and creativity, there will be goods of value for exchange. And when the right form of commerce enters the mix, if consciously done, it can provide the economic engine of resources and infrastructure to further amplify that community, culture, and creativity that started it all.